Join the Johns Hopkins Nurses' Call for Change!

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    We, the undersigned nurses, patients, and community members, call on Johns Hopkins Hospital management to live up to the institution's world-renowned reputation of excellence. We recognize that, historically and to this day, JHH management has fallen short of this reputation. They have allowed patient care to suffer and have failed to serve the members of our Baltimore community. Management's demonstrated priorities are more typical of a corporation maximizing profit than they are of a not-for-profit hospital providing the public service of medical care.

    JHH management has profited from taxpayer dollars intended to provide charity care for members of the community who cannot afford the care they need. In addition, management is suing thousands of their patients for minor outstanding bills. They have made cuts to staffing and equipment, and have allowed nurse retention to plummet--all of which compromise the quality of patient care. Additionally, management has spent millions of dollars suppressing nurses' organizing efforts to improve the quality of patient care.

    To begin to repair this harm, we call on JHH management to:
    1. Declare and return the millions of unused and/or misused dollars in rate support they receive under the auspices of charity care to their patients and to the East Baltimore community they have promised to serve.
    2. Listen to and implement all of the patient care recommendations put forth by nurses organizing to improve care for JHH's patients.
    3. Terminate their anti-union consultants and allow nurses to freely organize a union that can advocate on behalf of themselves, their patients, and our community.

    In solidarity,